Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Another week in Blenheim...

And we've only had 1 Frost! It was a beautiful weekend, and I spent it in the Sounds. Nothing else too exciting to report. I did go out and buy the new Harry Potter book (30$). I bet it was cheaper back in NA.

There is a LOT of talk about the high NZ dollar right now. http://www.stuff.co.nz/4138258a10.html

Not much else to report, but I'll post a few photos. This is the beautiful Abel tasman.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Couple Photos...

The All Blacks- the Haka!! :)

And the great views of Kaikoura

A weekend in Christchurch

I was in CHCH for about 3 hours a few weeks ago for work, but I was keen to do a little shopping and of course to see the All Blacks and hopefully discover something to take the place of my Oil (well- not quite replace, as they will never be replaced... but a place to channel my sports fan energies).

I ended up forgetting to bring flat shoes... This I realized as we were barely out of Blenheim. My feet paid the price and so I didn't end up feeling much like shopping. My 2 must do stores weren't in the central strip that I was shopping in- those being Esprit & Portmans. Anyway- that was good on the money front.

I was trying to rate Christchurch in my order of favourite-ness with Auckland and Welly... I think Auckland continues to be my favourite place to visit- if only because Devonport is such a lovely place. Plus I've spent enough time there to suss out the shopping spots, and I like all the volcanoes, and the sea. I can't stand the traffic... I visited Welly on a foul weekend so it was hard to come to a good conclusion about it, but I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Auckland. I need to visit in better weather to come to a more strong conclusion. Christchurch doesn't have the sea as close- meaning it drops in my order of favouriteness. None of them compete, in my view, with the top of the south.

Phil & I had a nice winter-y soup for lunch, and we ate at a wonderful Italian place for supper. Yum!! Then off to the game. It was no where as near as cold as expected. Definitely NOT like a fall Riders game, but I think we lucked out a bit on the weather. The seats are also more comfortable than the Riders benches, let it be said. The game was a rather boring one until about the 70 minute mark. Only penalties had been scored- no tries. Thankfully it got slightly more entertaining after that. The haka was great at the start, and seeing a game live, but with my weak knowledge of rugby I did miss the commentary. The All Blacks played the first bit very sloppy; they looked like they knew they would win- even though they didn't look that good. They finally turned it up enough to win. Some say it is good to win by just enough, but I'd rather see them play hard all game. We made our own fun cruising through town with All Blacks flags and noise makers. Celebrating- even though there wasn't that much to celebrate in terms of the game.

I liked all the number of old buildings in CHCH and all the trees and parks, as well as the trams.
It'll be fun to visit again.

On the work front, we're into our new office. How exciting. We were super crammed in our old little temporary office- plus its a short walk from my "free" parking spot.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Winter in Blenheim...

Update on the immigration front... Still no criminal check after 5 months of waiting. Luckily immigration processed my work visa/permit form as my old working holiday was coming through a close so my new visa goes through to the end of June.

I had a great time a few weekends ago attending a Canada Day party back in Nelson with a number of other Canadians... It was a good time, and good to chat with a few others... A good reminder of home.

The days are finally getting longer which is exciting! The other day I decided to walk to work as the morning was quite nice- but ended up in the pouring rain on the way home. 45 minutes walking in it. Fun!

Phil & I had a nice day fishing on the weekend, heading out to the outer sounds farther than I've been before. I caught my first Tarakihi fish, which was quite good eating.

I'm turning into a real kiwi now. I've went out and bought my first thermals in quite some time... Yes indeed- today I'm sporting a lovely pair of long johns and an undershirt. They were a flashy 50% off... so it was a good time to buy. I also admit I tried to teach myself to knit on the weekend with limited success. I managed to get the wool onto one needle, but I couldn't figure out how to take the next step. Now I'll need to get some kiwi gal to show me the way...

We're heading out to the All Blacks game in CHCH this weekend. I'm looking forward to the time out of Blenheim- and also very much looking forward to seeing the haka!! After losing to the Aussies on Canada day, the All Blacks need to turn it up a bit.

My sony camera didn't last me very long... I got it close to the end of my time at KPMG... and it's already dead. So yesterday I bought a discounted one at Dick Smith. I can't wait to try it out! :)

Winter produce prices are definitely here. Prices for produce seem to be MUCH more seasonal than back home. I paid nearly $9 for 3 peppers the other night. My favourite tomatoes are in the $8.99/kg range at the moment so I'm not buying as many as I would like...

For those interested in the price of petrol, it's currently about $1.56. Diesel is around a $1, but again you then have to paid RUCs (road user charges) on top of that.

Until next time....