Monday, January 21, 2008

Various topics

I was very excited last week when we experienced a brief thunderstorm. It came up quite quickly- and I was first notified by that old "sheets of rain" sound on the roof, that I hadn't heard it so long. It was followed by thunder and lightening. Not much, but enough to remind me of a good old Saskatchewan summer storm. Lo and behold a lightening strike about 5 kms from home started a big fire. I drove by on the weekend and witnessed at least 3 choppers out doing their dosing duties. This was on Saturday. There were numerous spectators sitting on the side of the road, watching. I drove back again Sunday and there seemed to be less smoke, and less spectators. It was cool seeing one of the choppers (a pretty red one) come in for the landing quite close to the road, as I was driving by. Luckily the road had just been retopped so the speed limit through that section was slow, allowing me to watch. It came very close to houses, but was in the hills with the trees, so I think didn't cause any home damage, fortunately.

I've been thinking NZ Housing prices were super duper high, and it was confirmed today in a newspaper article. A quote " New Zealand was divided into seven areas for the survey and was the only nation in which all markets were rated severely unaffordable. " see the full story at :
Interest rates are in the 10% neighbourhood. In my part of the country it seems houses tend to be in the $300-$400K neighbourhood, anyway. $30K of interest buys a lot of rent!

I visited Picton a couple of times on the weekend. It's not quite Nelson, but I love that little town.

Much in the news of late has been about the death of Sir Edmund Hillary. The one who "knocked the bastard (Everest) off." First, that is to say. Sometime around the same time as Queen Elizabeth was coronated. From everything I've read, he was a humble man, and he contributed greatly to advancing the lives of people throughout the world. He will be missed.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy New Year

My unprolific blogging continues...

I spent Christmas this year in lovely Nelson. We had a lovely pancake breakfast, before having a full on huge dinner with a group of others. My contributions included greek salad (trying to be authentic meant no lettuce), and help with a fruit flan. How exciting. We had BBQ meat instead of the traditional Canadian roast. Despite a very overcast morning, the clouds lifted and the afternoon and evening were lovely.

Many kiwi businesses go through an office closure period over Christmas/ NYs when people take holidays. Since I already took holidays, and I was busy at work, I worked all of the non-stat days over the season, other than the 31st. As I was for the most part the only one in, I felt like I got a lot done! I had a number of days out in the sounds over the holidays due to the stats, returning to work on the 3rd. We spend NYs in the sounds, and I attended for the first time the great Whatinihi boat race. My contribution failed to finish the race however was picked up by the boat race officials so did make it to shore. It's actually a great idea. The sounds community of Whatanihi hold their annual boat race on NYs day- people build boats, made mostly of natural material. They're dropped into the sea and the first one back to the finish line wins and gets their name pencilled in on the cup. :) And bragging rights of course...

Weather has been quite hot here of late. Although despite the heat, I'm a deck gardener for the first time. Yes indeed- my tomato plants have red tomatoes. How exciting! I did get a green pepper too- but it didn't turn out well. It looks like I have chilis coming as well. How very exciting!

I'm finally getting into my running routine again, with the half marathon coming up in a few months. I've discovered I have a long way to go training wise. The run this morning was pure agony, even though it was no longer than any other day in the prior couple of weeks that I've been running it. Maybe it was the humidity.... Lets say. :) Hopefully it'll be easier tomorrow.

I can't remember if I reported I get the joy of going to see the oral surgeon next month to have 2 wisdom teeth removed- not really looking forward to that. It costs $1350 inc GST and was quicker to get in than in Canada.

I'm beginning to think of taking a wee camping holiday of a week or so in a couple of months to see more of the south island. Stay tuned for developments.