I've been rather silent of late. It feels all my time has gone to being a student and learning all of the exciting, fabulous taxation laws of New Zealand. The first assignment has now been submitted and I'm giving myself a week off from self study! Like Casb it is supposed to take 12-15 hours per week. But there are only 2 assignments over a number of months instead of one per week, so I can pace myself.
I did get to watch a little of the Olympics. It was great to see a rowing race with a kiwi and a Canadian medalling. From the NZ side, Kudos to Mahe Drysdale on his bronze medal. He was super ill and still managed to do so well. I was delighted to see the Canadian equestrian team do so well- ya Ian Miller! :) Too bad Big Ben wasn't still around.
I went for an eye test last week. I knew it was time, plus my sunglasses that I brought from Canada broke so I need some news ones. Guess how much the ones I picked are.... Drumroll please for $950 odd dollars. Yikes!! I was used to paying about $600-700 for a pair of glasses in Canada because I shelled out at the optometrists office. My last sunnies were more in the realm of $200- as they weren't from a fancy optometrist, weren't properly fitted and were pretty much bare bones. But my sunnies use in NZ is much higher than in Canada - everyone has them here- you need them. Somehow that extra couple of hundred bucks from the glasses price just doesn't sit well with me. I was somewhat limited in my frame selection. The bigger the glasses, the harder it gets for the frames to support a perscription like mine. Doh. But I've decided these are going to last and since they're stronger I'll use them plenty for driving and the like, as well as out on the water- so paid the bit extra for the anti glare/skinny frames. But I still hurt... They should be ready to pick up next week sometime.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago