Reading the Edmonton Sun tells me Facebook is the latest craze:
It hasn't taken off in NZ, however, if my friends list is any indication.
I didn't update after the Anzac service last week. It was rather similar to certain Canadian services, lots of people attended. The NZ anthem was played, the mayor spoke, a hymn was sung, the Last Post was played, wreaths were laid, a prayer was said. It was a little strange to not be BBRR freezing cold throughout the ceremony, instead having to step into the shade with the sun overhead.
But things have taken a turn towards fall/ winter here... Much to my chagrin. The morning runs are a thing of the past. This past weekend we spent in the sounds, but Saturday was a rainy day, as was yesterday, as was apparently overnight. (Although I didn't hear anything.)
In the news in NZ, one of the hot areas of debate has been the Anti smacking bill- the issue of physical discipline of children has been raised. The proposed amendment - late breaking- is as follows: the Police have the discretion not to prosecute complaints against a parent of a child or person in the place of a parent of a child in relation to an offence involving the use of force against a child, where the offence is considered to be so inconsequential that there is no public interest in proceeding with a prosecution." (From
Dog's are heros too. Read a story
The ever political issue in SK - day light savings, is flying through in this country- with an extension coming. Daylight saving will start a week earlier, on the last Sunday in September, and will end on the first Sunday in April, two weeks later than at present.
Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker said regulations were being drawn up - a law change is not needed - to ensure changes would take effect this year.
I continue the fun of trying to collect all of the required docs for immigration nz. For anyone who might be trying in the future- a full birth cert including parents names is required, not the little one...
Until next time...
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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