Sunday, December 11, 2011

MMP Results

On the 25th November NZ election there was also a referendum on NZ's version of proportional representation. The results were released yesterday- with people in favour of keeping MMP. I am SO puzzled why people would have voted that way. ... Only yesterday did John Key advise the Governer General of the intention to form a government. So after the election, weeks of nothing, I would suppose as he works out his coalition agreements. I don't like MMP because it results in perpetual coalition governments. Small parties or influential one person shows ally with the biggest party and get given too much influence for their portion of support. Voters don't know what they'll get.

In my view good governments do more than just troll through their term bouncing about but instead made decisions and often bold moves. New Zealand's short 3 year election term coupled with the MMP induced lack of a decisive and clear government mandate, in my view weakens the ability of the NZ government to act boldly and decisively for the people of NZ.

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