Monday, March 29, 2021

I'm back- again...

 And this time, it has been years and years.  I'm currently on a 2 week break between jobs.  Phil & I just got back from a 4 day, 3 night walk- being the Great Walk of Abel Tasman.  Last Thursday we water taxi'd to Totaranui.   And then walked across to Awaroa.  That was my first time carrying a 10kg plus pack on a tramp.  It was my first time sleeping communally in a hut bunk room- I think that hut had row of 6 or 7 mattresses together on the bottom, and again on the top.  We met lovely people, kiwis all.  We had a wander to the Lodge for ice cream and coke.  I had a nap. Phil had a fish.  We watched the sun go down and chatted with a bunch of lovely people.  The next day we were up at light, and set off for Bark Bay Hut.  I sure felt the uphill on day #2.  But what a stunner of a location when we finally arrived.  We settled into the wee bunk room which had single bunks- the privilege of being one of the first few there.  We had a swim.  I read my book.  It was a lovely evening.  Day #3 took us to Anchorage.  We got a bit wet on the walk.  Again the hills felt hard.  The skies were emotive.  It was showering on and off, so didn't spend much time outside the glamorous big hut which had so many bunks and a wonderful view.  And then up early on day 4 trying to beat the rain- but failing in our walk back to Marahau.  And Phil giving our hiking mates from Auckland who were on the same agenda as us- a boost as their van wouldn't start.  It was lovely to go on a great big walk.  It was lovely to have nothing to do- for all trampers to go to bed at dark and get up at light.  For those 12 hour sleeps- and even minimal snoring!  Food never tasted so good.  It is time to spend more time in the great outdoors. It does restore my soul.

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