My wisdom tooth checkup the day after surgery was good. I thought things were going VERY well, far better than the terror I'd dreamed about. By Thursday I was feeling not too bad- and headed to work, although I didn't last the whole day. Friday I did work the whole day, despite being told I'd make it for a week. The weekend didn't go so well- at ALL! Saturday was the worst sleep and worst pain I've had in my life. I made it through Sunday and ventured to work on Monday- still very much in pain. I made a dental appointment and after a nasty Monday and Tuesday I found out Wednesday I had a dry socket- hence all the pain! And also probable infection. I've been back another time for a dressing on the socket, and feel so much better than last week. Sore, but recovering- at least for now. Yay.
Not much else new really- I've been pretty tired over the past 2 weeks. I have done no exercise- at all, however due to being on a soup and soft food diet, I was down 5 lbs.
Shorters has been very exciting lately- (the new zealand 7pm soap). The story line with Joey's been going on for months and months, but looks like it may finally be drawing to a close.
I finally finished a puzzle of my FAVOURITE Van Gough- Cafe Terrace at Night. It took AGES, in part because I'm not so fab at puzzles, and part because the mean puzzle designers have the puzzle pieces fitting in spots that aren't the right ones. I felt tremendous accomplishment. :)
I've recently started an online business law course that I have to take as part of the NZICA reciprocity agreement with the Canadian Institute of CAs. It's kind of like CASB, only there are only 2 assignments, and an exam, instead of 8-20 hours a week for 10 weeks each module. So far I've been learning on the structure of entities, and the "corporate veil"- aka the issue of whether courts can read through the corporate veil through to the shareholders, in effect. It does mean getting into some case law- both kiwi and british- so that's been interesting. I also find it really interesting we didn't study anything at all similiar in Canadian business law.
On another note, does anyone know if Canada has a resource management act, where you have to apply for consents to do so much- like irrigate, apply poison, and the like?? It's very much in place here, lots of consents needed.
The days are getting shorter- I must admit I'm not at all looking forward to winter. :)
In the NZ political race, John Key's National Party has been high in the polls. An election will occur later this year. The kiwi dollar is also quite high against the US dollar- highest in many years, I think I remember reading.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago