Sunday, October 22, 2006

More days in Nelson...

I started my italian class this past week.  I was delighted with the teacher.  I'm not sure I'll learn a lot by the end of the 10 weeks, but it's a start. :)  My goal is to one day know French, Spanish and Italian... I have a super long way to go!!
In other news, both Jacque and Mike have indicated the strange sport I mentioned is called Kite surfing.  Apparently it is also done in Saskatchewan. It just isn't as popular there as here.
Also- congrats to Mike and Angela on their marriage!!  I hope you guys have a fantastic honeymoon.
Today is a Celebrate Nelson festival. I am going to watch my flatmate sing.  Too bad it is raining!
Last night one of my flatmates rescued me from the downpour that had been threatening all day. I made most of my jog out to Tahuna before the downpour started.  She picked me up to save me on the rest of the way back and we went home for a nice chick flick (new DVD player to rescue us from boring TV nights!) and some ice cream.  Mmmm..
In other news, I'm attemping my 2nd night of cooking meat for my turn at the flat dinner.  I made a beef stir fry last week.  This week it's going to be some sort of chicken pasta. 
I'm off to an Indian event tonight to support the Indian ??? something about lights. I can't exactly remember but will find out.  I'm looking forward to seeing the saris. (sp?)
I've completed over a week of work at the radio station. 
I'm still loving Nelson...

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