It's been a while since I've been this red, but you know I've been known to say/do stupid things once in a while. Back in Uny a few of you called them "Kelly moments."I walked out at lunch down to the Menswear shop to get my pants hemmed and this very sharply dressed man standing by the change room looked at me. Assuming he worked there, I said I needed a pair of pants hemmed... He said he didn't work there. To cover up my "oops" I said "you are sharply dressed so I thought you might work in a mens shop". He looked unimpressed. All I meant was it looked like he was wearing an expensive suit. Ooopsy... It's been a while since "a Kelly moment" like that.IT's a busy week this week. Dance class winds up, a friend's Christmas tree decorating party, a dance night, my flatmates birthday (and hopefully a yummy dinner therefore??) etc.Great weather forecast all week too! Yay.
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