Sunday, December 10, 2006

A crazy idea...

This last week it occured to me that I wanted to run a half marathon.  There happens to be a popular south island one coming up in February.  I up'ed my kms today to 16 on today's jog.  It wasn't too bad.  The first 5 kms aren't so fun, but after that it gets easier (except that on the way back I was running into the wind!)  There are a few others who are going to go in from the area as well which will be good. I'm also keen to get some tips and a program from my former flattie who has done them before.

Yesterday a friend and  I went for a little drive out to a few of the neighbouring towns browsing for Christmas present ideas.  We visited the Grape Escape, Eyebright, and some cool store in Mapua.  I was pleased to find my work secret santa gift. Hurray! 

My dance class winds up with the big dance evening on Tuesday evening and I admit I am rather sad... I was having a great time. Hopefully it will start up again just after the new year. We'll see.

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, a half marathon!!! I am impressed. I totally think you should go for it. It would be a great experiance.

Sounds like all is still going great, glad to hear it.
