Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another week

It looks like I'm finally getting a flatmate, as my friend has indicated she's keen to move in. Yay, I'm looking forward to living with a friend again.

It is really starting to feel like winter. Darkness does that. The weather has been fantastic so far though for this time of the year - temperature wise. Today it was a funny day with rain/ sun/ rainbow followed by rain/ sun/ rainbow, followed by more rain. It didn't feel like normal Nelson winter.

In other news, I'm still uncertain what is happening with me on the employment front. Stay tuned...

My 1/4 marathon is on Sunday. I'm no longer doing my morning runs as I find darkness a bit of a deterrent. I've only been out 2 times in the last week. Hopefully I finish... That alone will be my goal!!

The bank rate has dropped yet again in NZ. It's at a record low 2.5%. Just as well one of my term investments that expired a week or two ago accidentally rolled over. At least I'm still getting 4% on that.

The swine flu is in the news in NZ, as I expect it is in many countries of the world.

I'm now following John Key, the NZ PM on Twitter. I've got several random people following me.

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