Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My New Years

I had planned on having a quiet NYs in Nelson, however at the last moment received an invite to go out to my flatmate's boyfriend's friend's bach (aka cabin/cottage) in the Marlborough Sounds.  It was simply lovely... We were picked up by Phil and his boat and boated out to the Bach around noon on NYs eve.  It was amazing scenery, although I must say the kiwis roads are something else...  As Di drove out to where we parked prior to meeting up to catch the boat, my tummy started acting up a bit. Curve, followed by curve, followed by another curve all the way! :)  Anyhow it was a great bit of time.  A great bach, great people, and great scenery... Great weather too. I actually spent the first day of the NY sleeping under the stars... It's pretty hard to beat that... 

One of the men had a good time scouting out the rocks down by the jetty- he showed me little crabs, pointed out the jelly fishes, and the rock oysters... There were different shells too, than at Tahuna beach...  A fantastic NY, and I'm looking forward to 2007!

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