First off - about the small number of posts. In large part it is because I'm working and don't ha ve much exciting to report. However ALSO I can only blog from an internet cafe, which I don't make it too very often.
Anyway, on to WEllington Day 2.
Did I mention how much of a small world, or at least a small NZ it is?
First at the airport I spotted the restaurant manager where the accountants went for supper last Thursday night and his sister who I work with. Saturday night, returning to my hostel with supper in hand I ran into my friend from Belgium which was great. She left Nelson just as I started flatting. And then on the plane home was another of the accountant crew from Thursday... Small NZ indeed!
I did find some charm in Wellington on Sunday... I took the cable car and did a quick walk through the botantical gardens and the old cemetery. There is actually a headstone type tour, and the history present there is pretty amazing. I didn't get a chance to explore it much. From the Botanical gardens there were great views of Wellington and I wish I had more time to explore it... Another time. I also walked back down by the Parliament and visited the
Constable Exhibition at Te Papa (lots of skies and landscapes... It was great!) Constable painted often from real scenes - his notes include the type of weather around when he painted. He lived at least part of his life in the Lake District in the UK, where many of his paintings were painted.
I also had a great fruit smoothly at my new favourite place- Gloria Jeans... Too bad there isn't one in Nelson- they are everywhere in Auckland! Wellington also has a bunch of used bookstores which is great! The prices for new books are so expensive here in NZ.
To catch the bus to the airport, I knew I could take the bus that came close to ~430 and be on time. However out of conservatism I took the bus one time earlier. When it arrived on time I started to feel a little silly for waiting so long. However, on the way to the airport, suddenly the driver jumped out and was frantically waving down other buses to try and get us to the airport on time. Yes- the power on our bus had conked out and everything was dead including the radio. I wasn't in a rush, as I could have taken the next one and been safe- but others were a little stressed. Finally another bus agreed to take us after he dropped off his passengers at a stop on the way to the airport. Sometimes it does pay to be early as it did save me untold stress.
Two days wasn't enough time in Wellington, and I will be back, I am sure. One of the locals I met indicated I should come back in summer when it is lovely.
I must say that my weekend in Wellington really wiped me out for this week- which was my first month end from the preparing side of the business. I must admit it is a little fun putting together working papers, trying to get all the accruals nailed down, and that kind of thing. I may tire of it in a while, but in learning phase trying to figure out the business model etc. it is still fun.
Last night I walked with one of the ladies from work and her husband up to the Centre of NZ and we were there at sunset. It was slightly overcast so the colours weren't brilliant- but they were so many blues and greys. Looking out past the boulder bank, you really couldn't tell where the water ended and the sky began. It was so beautiful. I wish I had my camera, and even more I hope to be able to paint a scene like that some day... (Not that I'm painting here in NZ, but someday I think I have to take a watercolour class- instead of just dabbling with it here and there back home in Canada). We walked down in the dark with the light of the moon to assist us, and it was a nice evening. The weather has warmed a bit here, and although still chilly at night it hasn't been freezing making my evenings at home without a fire more bearable. My flatmate and her friend indicated I need to visit Abel Tasman someday soon. If they take me I'll do it sooner rather than later, but we will see.